Mafia Wars Paris, also known as "Challenge Mission: Paris", now has a preview available in game. This is actually not like any other city we have done before.

Here is what we can tell so far:
1. Paris, unlike other cities, is basically an extended limited time job.
Yep, that's right. Paris is not actually like any of the other cities. Really, its more like a big limited time job. And it's limited in time - note that on the Travel tab the "limited time only" text underneath the Paris option.

Essentially, once the Paris event goes live (which it seems like it will just before midnight on Sunday night, players will have 3 weeks to finish it. After that, it's gone!
2. You need to some mafia members to get started.

This is pretty easy - just browse around on the Mafia Wars fan page on Facebook and you will see plenty of "add me" comments spammed in reply to all the posts on the wall. Just in case you need to add more new people with the release of additional Paris chapters, I would keep a few people stocked on "add mafia" list and accept them after Chapter 1 comes out (just to be safe).
3. The rate at which you can do jobs depends on how many of these Parisian Maps you own.

As you can see from the text above, you will apparently need a bunch of "Parisian Maps" to finish Paris. You can collect some each day from the Paris screen (just like I have the option to collect 5). They also seem drop randomly from jobs, fighting, and robbing in other cities and can be bought in the marketplace. Start stocking up now; I am guessing we will need a lot of these.
4. There are 3 main rewards for finishing this challenge.

For finishing chapter 1, you will get a Parisian Fixer (armor; 30 attack, 61 defense). For chapter 2, a French Kiss (weapon; 75 attack, 45 defense), and a DaVinci Q415 (vehicle; 63 attack, 103 defense). Since you have to finish the previous chapters to move on to the next chapter, I am assuming this DaVinci Q415 is the final reward for stealing the Mona Lisa (in addition to the achievement):

5. Chapters will roll out weekly.
There are three total chapters, and it seems like we will get access to one more chapter as each week passes. Sunday night we will get Chapter 1, the next Sunday we will get Chapter 2, and the following Sunday we will get Chapter 3. We will have 1 week to finish Chapter 3 before Paris disappears for good.
As mentioned in the beginning of this post, Paris is basically a bigger limited-time job. You will need to log in each day to collect your maps and perhaps find a few from jobs if you want to get everything done in time.
I am assuming other than collecting the maps, none of the new jobs will be too energy intensive. It's just a matter of consistently logging on. This is definitely interesting and I look forward to seeing how it all unfolds.
We'll see in a few days when Chapter 1 opens!
As a side note, even though it was kind of a big stealth change, businesses have now all been converted over to a property style set-up:

Now all the old businesses produce a static amount of whatever item they used to (no more output / capacity / quality) and have 8 to 72 hour timers for when they are ready for collection. The most expensive businesses take 72 hours to mature, while the ones with goods (like politico corrupto) mature in 8 hours. Everything else is in between.
While this may not seem like a big deal at first, I am thinking this is the developers moving to open up robbing in all cities. Now that all cities will have properties, the same robbing system can be implemented in all cities. I really hope this is the case when Las Vegas comes out - it will be fun when currency is tight to have robbing available. Things will be pretty dicey at the start and there will be lots of robbing and competition!
Oh, and on the topic of robbing, you can now "call for backup" if you lose a robbery with the use of "burners":

Basically, there is now a cell phone icon at the top right of the robbing page, and you start off with a few burners (based on your level).
If you lose a robbery attempt, you can use one of your burners with the "ask mafia for help" button that has now appeared on the grid beneath the property where you failed.
You can ask your mafia for burners each day in order to get more. You can also help people who ask to get 1 more burner per helping attempt.
These burners are pretty useful for energy accounts trying to nab some of the new robbing achievements:

However, note that you can't use a burner on the last property you rob to get the bonus, so save an "easy" property for last. Currently, when you go to rob the last property, you are awarded your grid clear bonus before you can ask for help; you can still ask for help on the last property if you lose, but it won't change the outcome of your bonus either way.
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