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Special Collections Mafia Wars

created by -cyberlinegames-

Find 7 of the same type of item to complete your collections. Collect items by finishing jobs. Re-vault a collection to earn a Boost.

myCollections pitures Las Vegas Mafia Wars District 1 North Las Vegas

created by -cyberlinegames-

Mafia Wars Screet Drop : Gift random bonuses and rare loot from these hidden briefcases

created by -cyberlinegames-

Mafia Wars Secret Drops

A new, unannounced feature had been found in Mafia Wars called "Secret Drops." These little briefcases, much like the Secret Stash, allows players to send random, rare items and bonuses to their friends after finding a secret drop location through random activities.

So far, we've only been able to find Secret Drops through robberies, but according to Mafia Wars Maniac, this feature can be dug up through doing jobs and collecting from properties as well. Unfortunately, there has been no official word from Zynga yet, so these Secret Drops could appear anywhere.

Find out what these new Secret Drops could reward you and your friends with after the break.
As for what your friends can find after you send out a Secret Drop, the image above suggests they'll have a chance at finding boosts to robbery success rates, double XP bonuses, Reward Points, increases to Attack and Defense and increases to cash drop rates. As for loot items, here's what some tipsters to Mafia Wars Maniac have found:


Knockout: 51 Attack, 23 Defense

Blue Sky

Blue Sky 55: 25 Attack, 50 Defense

Love Sick

Update easy feature accept all requests MAFIA WARS

created by -cyberlinegames-

Now we can accept all gifts from my friends easily.^_^

Mafia Wars God Father Title Glitch: A sneak peek at future content?

created by -cyberlinegames-

God Father title glitch

In what has been nothing short of a storm of hot tips, hidden features and now glitches in Mafia Wars, a tipster to Mafia Wars Maniac has found himself with a title that currently doesn't exist in the game: "God Father." While glitches like these happen more often than players run out of energy, this particular error could hold quite a lot of meaning for the future of Mafia Wars.

Normally, title glitches occur when someone receives or loses a title that already exists in the game, but this situation involves content that doesn't exist... yet.Could this be a leak of future content, such as the area that is set to release some time after the Mafia Wars: MADE event in Las Vegas (remember, attendees are getting early access to that content)? This could also be one of the special items attendees receive for going to the event or it could just be another meaningless glitch.

Zynga has been contacted for comment. Stay tuned for possible updates.

[Image Credit: Mafia Wars Maniac]


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The REAL MAFIA WARS ROBBING ( bank cimb niaga medan - indonesia )

created by -cyberlinegames-

Mafia Wars Robbing !! ( Mafiawars on facebook)
see more mafia wars robbing on facebook visit : http://cyberlinegames.blogspot.com/2010/09/mafia-wars-robbing.html

The real Robbing!! ( Mafia Wars Medan (ndan)  Vs Densus 88 )



failed robbery ,densus 88 win!

VIDEO the real robbing!!

more visit here : http://hukum.tvone.co.id/berita/view/43736/2010/09/19/densus_tangkap_7_pelaku_diduga_perampok_bank_cimb_medan/

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There are 2 ways of robbing a person:
(1) Public Robbing
(2) Private Robbing

Private Robbing

Click on the person’s name link in Mafia Wars and you will
be directed to his profile page where you can view the
common links such as Fight, Add to Hitlist and so forth.
The rob link is added beside the Fight. If you rob a
specific person, you will not be rewarded with special
XP and a random item. The advantage of targetting
a specific person is that you have robbed this guy before
and you know he is weak, therefore you have a high
chance of winning the same person with your same stats.
However, Zynga has implemented a chance feature where you
will lose once awhile (with unknown probability to the public)

Public Robbing

To rob another person, you need to be in New York City
before entering the Fight Zone. Only then you can view
ROB feature.
Click Rob to enter Robbing Page. It displays a grid of 9 properties
that you can rob. You can click the button “GET NEW TARGETS”
to get properties that requires lesser stamina. Pure energy
characters who gathered all stamina collectibles would have
a maximum of 13 stamina. The maximum stamina that you would
need is 20 (sufficient to rob 1 Mega Casino).

Once a pure energy character mastered all jobs, you can safely
add profile points into stamina and attack.
(1) Stamina allows you to rob more properties
(2) High attack improves winning chances over small mafia.


“Get New Targets” requires stamina. The stamina requirement
decreases each time you rob a property. For a full board,
it will take 9 stamina to get new targets.


If you robbed all properties (does not matter if failed/success),
a new window appears, and it rewards you with free
Get New Target. If you cleared whole grid, you will be
rewarded with a random (weapon/armor/vehicle) and some XP.
The XP rewarded depends on how many successful robbing.
(1 Success / 9 Total) – 20 XP Reward
(2 Success / 9 Total) – 30 XP Reward
(3 Success / 9 Total) – 40 XP Reward
(4 Success / 9 Total) – 50 XP Reward
(5 Success / 9 Total) – 60 XP Reward
(6 Success / 9 Total) – 70 XP Reward
(7 Success / 9 Total) – 80 XP Reward
(8 Success / 9 Total) – 90 XP Reward
(9 Success / 9 Total) – 100 XP Reward


Tools of the Trade Collection:

20% more cash and items from robbing

Stolen Diamond Collection:

Improve odds of successful robberies by 10%



Robberies needed for the next level: 10
Mastery Bonus: +5% experience from Robbing


Robberies needed for the next level: 25
Mastery Bonus: +6% experience from Robbing


Robberies needed for the next level: 100
Mastery Bonus: +7% experience from Robbing


Robberies needed for the next level: 500
Mastery Bonus: +8% experience from Robbing


Mastery Bonus: +9% experience from Robbing


Mastery Bonus: +10% experience from Robbing


Mastery Bonus: +11% experience from Robbing


Mastery Bonus: +12% experience from Robbing


Mastery Bonus: +13% experience from Robbing


Mastery Bonus: +14% experience from Robbing


Money rewarded is random (based on enemies’ property level)
Required Mafia Size | Required Stamina | Property
002 : 02 – FLOP HOUSE
005 : 03 – PAWNSHOP
010 : 05 – WAREHOUSE
035 : 07 – RESTAURANT
050 : 09 – DOCK YARD
100 : 12 – OFFICE PARK
250 : 15 – UPTOWN HOTEL
500 : 20 – MEGA CASINO


XP displayed below is with mastery bonus 5% from robbing
The ratio is calculated by (Rewarded XP / Requried Stamina).


2.17 – OFFICE PARK (26 XP)
2.00 – DOCKYARD (18 XP)
1.71 – RESTAURANT (12 XP)


1.00 – DOCKYARD (9 XP)
1.00 – WAREHOUSE (5 XP)
0.71 – RESTAURANT (5 XP)
0.50 – FLOP HOUSE (1 XP)

 Mafia Wars Robbing Strategy

Robbing Properties with Small Mafia Size

For high levels, this will be very tough. If you try to rob
another high level player, that high player would have an
EASIER time to protect against your attack. They will
have the best defensive BOSS item (weapon, armor, vehicle)
against YOU, unless you completed all Cuba, Moscow, Bangkok
tier and have the best offense BOSS item. So its not that easy
as you think. Properties that requires bigger mafia size will
be easier for you since most high levels do not spend time
to loot best defensive items, and they would have smaller
mafia size then you (if you are active in adding lots of mafia)

Clearing the property grid

Zynga Mafia Wars have given people the incentive to rob
other player properties such as you get some collectibles
to improve your winning chances of robbing by 10% and
improving 20% more cash rewarded and 20% chance to
loot better items. Apart from that, completing the whole
grid will reward you a random item (might be junk) and
a free “Get New Target”, some players says just clean up
the grid instead of hitting “get new target” to obtain
these bonuses.

Pros and Cons of robbery

Here are some food for though in Mafia Wars robbery.
If you use stamina to rob instead of fight:
You do not need to spend money to heal your injuries.
This is a good sign to save some cash for lower level players.
And earn some good cash as well while the victim loses money.
The bad thing about robbing is, if you fail, your failed robbery
rewards 1/4 XP of the XP that you can gain from a single
successful fight. For those who just want to waste away
their tons of stamina instead of manually clicking one by one,
robbing is an alternative for you, else use a bot to do all fights!
Also, if the victim’s property health reaches 30% or below, you
can’t gain any more money from it. Apart from that, if the
victim does not possess ANY New York property, you will NOT
be able to rob him. I do not have a single puchased New York
property, so no one can ever ROB me hahaha.
Fighting is much better since 1/10 of the time you gain an item,
and constant flow of XP if you attack weaker opponents.

Want fries with that? FarmVille and McDonalds team up for promotion?

created by -cyberlinegames-

farmville mcdonalds farmville mcdonalds farmville mcdonalds

farmville mcdonalds

Looks like FarmVille might be partnering up with one of the most recognized brands in the world -- McDonalds. Based on these four unreleased images spotted on several fans sites, it looks like Zynga and the Golden Arches will run a promotion that might be along the lines of the popular 7-Eleven promotion that ran earlier this year.

There is no official confirmation on this partnership or details yet. But, for speculation's sake, maybe you will be able to buy a special FarmVille-branded McCafe and redeem a code on the cup for a special in-game item, like a branded flag or coffee cup in the images above. Stay tuned for more details when we've got 'em.

[Via FarmVille Freak, FVFan]

Top 10 Best Facebook Games

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In a recent survey of Facebook users, over 50% of the respondents play games on the social network and 19% say they're 'addicted' to games like FarmVille, where you plant and harvest virtual crops with. In roughly a year, Facebook has gone from a place where you upload NSFW party pics to a full-fledged gaming platform.

FarmVille is the call brand of Facebook gaming -- you'd be hard pressed to find someone who hasn't at least heard of this virtual farm game -- but there are hundreds of other social games on the platform waiting for discovery. How do you know which ones are worth your time? Take a gander at this list of the 20 best Facebook games, based on number of players.
farmville - best facebook game - games.com
Join the virtual farming revolution with the game that started it all -- FarmVille. Plant and harvest crops, trees and animals, while working with friends to collaboratively build a hodge podge of items, everything from a beehive to a pigpen. Once you've mastered farming, try your hand at running a winery, spa or bakery. Give it a try -- 60 million players can't be wrong.

Texas Hold 'Em Poker
zynga poker - best facebook games - games.com
Knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em is crucial to beating the competition in the best poker game on Facebook. Play Texas Hold 'Em against random live players and partner up with friends to give each other extra chips and boosts. Best of all, no one will ever be able to read your 'tells' when you're bluffing.
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Travel to the Wild West and create your very own frontier town, while keeping nature at bay, in this case, wild grass, trees, snakes, bears and other pesky varmints. This simulation game gives you lots of missions, so you're never stuck wondering what to do next, and IMHO, is a must-play for anyone interested in Facebook/social gaming or life as a pioneer.
Mafia Wars
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If you like any of the following: The Godfather, Scarface, Sopranos, Grand Theft Auto or Mafia II, take your passion for mob life and put it into this text-based social game where you head up your own virtual mafia. Clicking on buttons and watching progress bars has never been more fulfilling.
Cafe World
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Try your hand a running a virtual cafe, cooking dishes and returning to serve them before they go bad. Recently, the game added a series of Catering Missions that have really turned up the heat.
Treasure Isle
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Dig up buried treasure in Zynga's click-adventure game on Facebook. You'll unearth scads of items while digging your way through umpteen islands, including some that are populated with ninja monkeys. Ninja monkeys - can you dig it? We can.

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Raise and care for a virtual pet by feeding and bathing it regularly and doing other normal pet things -- like building their wardrobe and decorating their palatial homes from top to bottom.
MindJolt Games
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Word games, puzzles games, card games and clones of your favorite old-school video games make up the always popular Mind Jolt games Facebook app.
Pet Society
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Pet Society is a pet simulation game where you care for pets -- feed, bathe and clothe them -- and take them treasure hunting for rare items and to the pond to scare up some of the most creative fish you've ever seen. My favorite? The Macaronfish.
Bejeweled Blitz
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This is Bejeweled for the Facebook gaming set. Match three or more sets of the same colored gems as many times as possible in one minute. Then see how your score fares against your friends. Keep playing for countless hours to beat them all, only to have your high score erased in a week, and then it all begins again.

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