Treasure Madness gives free Volcano Island map to fans

created by -cyberlinegames- 20100901

Treasure Madness Volcano Island map
Treasure Madness has just released another map exclusively to fans of their application - the Volcano Island map. This map is brimming with treasure, with 446 searchable tiles. The treasure and gold density of this map are average, and we didn't actually see a volcano on the island, but it's still great to get free maps. Previously, Treasure Madness were giving away the Pirate Ship Island map but it is no longer available.
Treasure Madness Volcano Island

To claim your map, become a fan and log into Treasure Madness. There will be a box on the top of the game that allows you to claim the reward. Once you've claimed the reward, you can either play the map right away or save it for later. The map will be saved in your Maps screen and you can play it at any point. You do not need to be a high level to play this game, we were able to play it as low as level 2. Log in and check out your new free map before the option goes away, even if you're not quite ready for new maps.

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