Meet the Mafia Wars Family - The Bodygaurd

created by -cyberlinegames- 20100809

This is a regular series where we will feature the top mafia members who work at Mafia Wars. Erik

One of the greatest scenes from the movie Snatch involves a bounty hunter named Bullet Tooth Tony. Faced at gunpoint by three men, Tony calmly suggests the amateurs get lost because he knows the word “Replica” is written on the side of their guns while “Desert Eagle .50” is etched on the side of his gun. No one messes with Bullet Tooth Tony. 
No one screws with Erik, the bodyguard of Mafia Wars, either. The film scene is one of Erik’s favorites. If you ever need someone solid to protect you or need to hire a mercenary, Erik is your man. He’s also the guy to give props to when it comes to improving player versus player action in Mafia Wars. When Erik isn’t busy beating up on other players in Bangkok to make loads of Thai Baht, he spends his time at Mafia Wars building better features for power attacks and fight loot. 
All of us at Mafia Wars are super excited to play Vegas and watch the armored truck blow up in the Nevada desert, but no one is more psyched than Erik. Given the chance, Erik confidently described the way he’d blow up a 4 ton steel armored truck. “I would get a one-gallon plastic milk jug and fill it with gasoline. Then I’d stick gunpowder in the middle of it and blow it up to disperse the gasoline in the air, which would then ignite and blow up the truck,” he said. “It’d be pretty cool.”
It would be pretty cool! And you can help make it happen... go play Mafia Wars Las Vegas!

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