If you're envious like I am of mobs in Mafia Wars that pummel y puny clan with packs of wild animals, this Osprey Helicopter should do the trick. Zynga is giving away free choppers with every redeemed Mafia Wars Game Card until September 14.
Confused about where you can find these cards, well Target surely carries them if last week's news is any indication. But you can find them right now at your local GameStop, Best Buy and even 7-11 (who would've thunk it?).
Since FarmVille players can get something similar starting today, this promotion must be a part of a Zynga initiative to get players to purchase Game Cards. Take a look after the break for a brief guide on how to get your hands on one of these monstrous combat vehicles.
We're just going to assume that we don't need to hold your hand through the purchasing progress, so let's move right along. First, you need have the home page unlocked, which requires about 10 minutes of play time. Next, click on that drop box on the upper right hand corner of the screen and select "Game Cards."
Next, you'll need to type in the PIN Code on the back of the card to redeem your cash to use in the Marketplace, which opens up at Level 7. At the same time you should receive your Osprey Helicopter, which boasts an impressive 32 Attack and a whopping 67 Defense. Enjoy mowing down your enemies' legions of lions, tigers and bears (no, we won't say it) with this puppy. Now, we wouldn't recommend going out there and spending a minimum of $10 just for this little item (though, it is a limited edition...). But if you were going to buy the card anyway, consider this a bonus.
Confused about where you can find these cards, well Target surely carries them if last week's news is any indication. But you can find them right now at your local GameStop, Best Buy and even 7-11 (who would've thunk it?).
Since FarmVille players can get something similar starting today, this promotion must be a part of a Zynga initiative to get players to purchase Game Cards. Take a look after the break for a brief guide on how to get your hands on one of these monstrous combat vehicles.
Next, you'll need to type in the PIN Code on the back of the card to redeem your cash to use in the Marketplace, which opens up at Level 7. At the same time you should receive your Osprey Helicopter, which boasts an impressive 32 Attack and a whopping 67 Defense. Enjoy mowing down your enemies' legions of lions, tigers and bears (no, we won't say it) with this puppy. Now, we wouldn't recommend going out there and spending a minimum of $10 just for this little item (though, it is a limited edition...). But if you were going to buy the card anyway, consider this a bonus.
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