1. Some base facts
strength : 25 + 2.4 agility : 18 + 1.9
intelligence : 15 + 1.75
- Good lane controller.
- High skill in early forest creeping.
- Immune to all magic dmg if played correctly.
- High early dmg with feast.
- Still wicked late-game if farmed enough
- Hard to lane against stun combos
- Some spells like Omnknights slow go through rage
- If they get a stun to you they often all focus on you
2.The skills
N'aix goes into a maddened rage, becoming immune to magic spells and gaining increased attack speed.
Level 1 - 30% Increased Attack Speed and Magic Immunity. Lasts for 2.5 seconds.
Level 2 - 45% Increased Attack Speed and Magic Immunity. Lasts for 3.25 seconds.
Level 3 - 60% Increased Attack Speed and Magic Immunity. Lasts for 4 seconds.
Level 4 - 80% Increased Attack Speed and Magic Immunity. Lasts for 4.75 seconds.
Cooldown: 15 seconds.
Manacost: 75
Level 1: 75 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 75 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 75 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 75 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
really nasty little spell almost like the old one but shorter and it gives a % increased IAS at the same time,
the spell immunity is really nice giving the ability to dodge spells like anubs suchuki.
still this spell stops all magic dmg (including AoE) BUT don't stop all spells!
Regenerates a portion of enemy's current HP and deals the same portion per attack.
Level 1 - 4%.
Level 2 - 5%.
Level 3 - 6%.
Level 4 - 7%.
When i saw this the first time i was almost gonna faint

Open Wounds
Naix rends the enemy, slowing his movespeed and allowing his allies to feast on his life force, regenerating a portion of the damage dealt. Victim slowly recovers movement speed over 7 seconds.
Level 1 - 10%.
Level 2 - 15%.
Level 3 - 20%.
Level 4 - 25%.
Cooldown: 30/25/20/15
Manacost: 70/80/90/100
Level 1: 70 mana, 30 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 80 mana, 25 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 90 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 100 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
omg another skill that fits perfectly with the others giving you a slow sort of from purge + give you more lifesteal!
The Lifestealer tears its way into the unfortunate body of a target unit, laying dormant and undetectable inside its living frame until he is ready to consume it and come to form. Regains health from the infested unit.
Level 1 - Allied and Neutral units. Consumes current health.
Level 2 - Allied, Enemy and Neutral units. Consumes current health.
Level 3 - Allied, Enemy and Neutral units. Consumes max health.
Cooldown: 100/70/40
Manacost: 150/100/50
Level 1: 150 mana, 100 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 100 mana, 70 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 50 mana, 40 sec cooldown.
this one is unique ultimate. he can use this for many things gain life, ganking, escape from ganks etc.(you get the point)
3.The Skill Build
- Rage
- Open Wounds
- Feast
- Feast
- Feast
- Infest
- Feast
- Rage
- Rage
- Rage
- Infest
- Open Wounds/stats
- Open Wounds/stats
- Open Wounds/stats
- stats/Open Wounds
- Infest
- stats/Open Wounds
- stats/Open Wounds
- stats
- stats
- stats
- stats
- stats
- stats
- stats
4.Skill Explanation
I take rage first because you can meet a early combo such as 2 stunns and get killed by their creeps.Then the slow is an obvious choice. It slows the same at lvl 1 as it does in lvl 4. then we max feast for lane control and dmg. Infest is taken by six because you can need the heal if you have gotten in trouble, only use it on fresh creeps or creeps over 95% health so you don't miss any health. rage get maxed after because you will do more dmg and get more time to escape from ganks. at 11 you take infest again because then you got a really great escape mechanism if your pushing and then understands they are ganking you or in middle of a gank you use it to jump in one of their creeps. 12-14 you can choose if you gonna take stats or Open Wounds i prefer Open Wounds because you can use it more often and also for forest creeping.I take lvl 3 Infest directly because it is good heal if either team have destroyed a raxx.
5.Item build
i have now build 3 item builds and 2 is depending what you wanna do from start and the third is for public games and have the same strategy as the The killer build.The Lifekeeper
start with:
end up with:
Detailed item list
- 3xGauntlets of strength + tango 540
- Stout shield 300
- Boots 500
- Gloves of haste 550
- Belt of giant strength 450
- Complete treads 350 (1850 total)
- Ring of health 875
- Vitality booster 1100
- Complete vanguard 0 (2275 total)
- 3xCirclet of nobility 555
- 3xcomplete braces 525 (1530 total)
- Hyperstone 2100
- Plate mail 1400
- Chain mail 620
- Complete Assault Cuirass 2000 (6120 total)
Total fine of 11750 gold.
Possible items afterwards:
After the main build naix have several alternatives of items depending what he is gonna do.
Heart of Tarrasque
I usually take this after main build increasing my hp regen and strength, makes the life much better when everyone of their team is targeting you.
Makes it so funny easy in 1on1 situations facing non-perma stunners. Satanic provides you with more lifesteal and increasing your hp at the same time (not as much as HoT)
Eye of Skadi
This item is very good at naix giving you the slow that make you that feared killer. if you team lack slows this is the item for you after main build.
Monkey king bar
a good dmg item with a procc and a little IAS boost.Gives you more dmg and with rage this item sync really well. Still i only take this item if our team lack of dmg that it almost never do.
Armlet of Mordiggian
Dont be fooled this item is really good at naix gives you IAS,dmg,hp regen and armor + it also can cast unholy strength that is really funny on naix because of the lifesteal and rage.
i take this in the lategame after heart anyways but not first after main build but suit yourself.
Stygian Desolator
This Item syncs really well with cuirass giving you more -armor when hiting an enemy and it's one of the cheapiest (if not THE cheapiest) way for damage.
*Optional if the game aint going your way*
Sange and Yasha
Hard time ingame got ganked alot and you dont like building armlet or anything like that?
Then this item is for you they call it the "noob item" and "The way of the übernoob"
Still aint that bad anymore improved the %maim and %speed. Its easy farmed.
The item work good using the rage to get that maim procc. BUT this item can't be recommended if you farmed normally under early, mid-game. This is a item you say nonono if you already have 1000 at 5-7 min.
***Treads or BoT***
This question is just personal. If you like BoT get it and if you like Treads get them. still it does depend what you gonna do.If you are not gonna push all game i strongly suggest treads because you dont need BoT for forestcreeping. The treads gives IAS and strength thats why like it on naix, but hey suit yourself.
The Killer:
Start with:
End up with:
Detailed item list
6.Item Explanation:
Cuirass is a item that i really like on IAS based strength heros because it is not only giving much IAS and armor it also support team heros and lower the enemy armor.The Vanguard support the hp, regen and the block ability making it able to take all creeps (not Roshan though). The 3 braces and treads giving more hp and little dmg.The treads is taken over BoT because it gives more hp and more IAS that is needed more than the teleport ability (that still is very good, so take BoT over treads if you want it is still good.)Possible items afterwards:
After the main build naix have several alternatives of items depending what he is gonna do.
Heart of Tarrasque
I usually take this after main build increasing my hp regen and strength, makes the life much better when everyone of their team is targeting you.
Makes it so funny easy in 1on1 situations facing non-perma stunners. Satanic provides you with more lifesteal and increasing your hp at the same time (not as much as HoT)
Eye of Skadi
This item is very good at naix giving you the slow that make you that feared killer. if you team lack slows this is the item for you after main build.
Monkey king bar
a good dmg item with a procc and a little IAS boost.Gives you more dmg and with rage this item sync really well. Still i only take this item if our team lack of dmg that it almost never do.
Armlet of Mordiggian
Dont be fooled this item is really good at naix gives you IAS,dmg,hp regen and armor + it also can cast unholy strength that is really funny on naix because of the lifesteal and rage.
i take this in the lategame after heart anyways but not first after main build but suit yourself.
Stygian Desolator
This Item syncs really well with cuirass giving you more -armor when hiting an enemy and it's one of the cheapiest (if not THE cheapiest) way for damage.
*Optional if the game aint going your way*
Sange and Yasha
Hard time ingame got ganked alot and you dont like building armlet or anything like that?
Then this item is for you they call it the "noob item" and "The way of the übernoob"
Still aint that bad anymore improved the %maim and %speed. Its easy farmed.
The item work good using the rage to get that maim procc. BUT this item can't be recommended if you farmed normally under early, mid-game. This is a item you say nonono if you already have 1000 at 5-7 min.
***Treads or BoT***
This question is just personal. If you like BoT get it and if you like Treads get them. still it does depend what you gonna do.If you are not gonna push all game i strongly suggest treads because you dont need BoT for forestcreeping. The treads gives IAS and strength thats why like it on naix, but hey suit yourself.
The Killer:
Start with:
End up with:
Detailed item list
- 2xCirclet of Nobility 370
- Tango 90
- Chicken *optional* 225
- Bottle *optional* 700
- 2xGauntlets of Strength 300
- Complete 2xbracers 350 (total 1020)
- Boots of Speed 500
- Complete Boots of Travel 2200 (total 2700)
- Gloves of Haste 550
- Helm of Iron Will 950
- Claws of Attack 650
- Complete Armlet of Mordiggian 700 (total 2850)
- 2xUltimate orb 4500
- Point booster 1200
- Complete Eye of Skadi 1250 (total 6950)
Total fine of 14445 gold.
Item explination
Braces comes first because it gives you those early stats i strongly recommend on every hero. BoT is Second because with that speed increase it gives you that chasing skill making you take people alone in the woods and also get a early gank if wanted. Armlet of Mordiggian is a strong dmg item and give that life boost when needed. Skadi... i really like this item on naix, on pubs giving you the great ability to hit,slow,hit,slow,hit,slow etc. even though you facing a person with BoT and some sort of stun (stormbolt like) you can just rage/open wounds and keep chasing him.
Items afterwards
okay here you are after finishing your skadi and it is late game you can choose almost any item you prefer though i strongly suggest to get a heart or something but take what you want, execpt the things in the quote after the item builds.
The Shredder
this build is made for public games i can't say it work any good in serious games.
Start with:
End up with:
Detailed item list:
Item explination
Braces comes first because it gives you those early stats i strongly recommend on every hero. BoT is Second because with that speed increase it gives you that chasing skill making you take people alone in the woods and also get a early gank if wanted. Armlet of Mordiggian is a strong dmg item and give that life boost when needed. Skadi... i really like this item on naix, on pubs giving you the great ability to hit,slow,hit,slow,hit,slow etc. even though you facing a person with BoT and some sort of stun (stormbolt like) you can just rage/open wounds and keep chasing him.
Items afterwards
okay here you are after finishing your skadi and it is late game you can choose almost any item you prefer though i strongly suggest to get a heart or something but take what you want, execpt the things in the quote after the item builds.
The Shredder
this build is made for public games i can't say it work any good in serious games.
Start with:
End up with:
Detailed item list:
- Ring of regeneration 375
- 2xBranches 114
- Tango 90
- Chicken *optional* 225
- Bottle *optional* 700
- Boots 500
- Belt of giant strength 450
- Gloves of haste 550
- Treads recipe 350 (total 1850)
- Gloves of Haste 550
- Helm of Iron Will 950
- Claws of Attack 650
- Complete Armlet of Mordiggian 700 (total 2850)
- sobi mask 325
- ring of protection 175
- complete ring of basilius 0
- mask of death 900
- Vladmirs recipe 300 (total 2075)
Total fine of: 6979 + 925 *optional*
Item explanation
The RoR,branches and Tango start works well with all heros (nothing more to say)
The Bottle and chicken is optional as usual.
The Treads is a good and strong early item for naix because the support early hp,early IAS and early MS.
Armlet is a strong item on naix cause of feast and it support alot with that hp boost and dmg when used correctly vladmirs is picked after because with the fact it is a lifestealing,mana and hp regeneration item taht aint an orb, Making it possible to take a good orb effect after the main build.
Items afterwards:
Stygian desolator
This item is great giving a good dmg and stacking with vladmirs good choice for damage.
Satanic more lifesteal more hp what aint better in pubs? this one is also good and also stacks with vladmir
*Optional instead/before Armlet*
Sange and Yasha
You are in a pub game and you want an soild easy build? this one does the trick (not more than that lol).
Easy farmed and etc BUT if you gonna get it get it before/instead of Armlet. You will not be able to totally own the game you wont help your team alot and you doesent turn the game either when you get it. This item just make you able to manage through the game you wont be bad in it either good. Strongly and only recommended as a "Last chance" item.
Item explanation
The RoR,branches and Tango start works well with all heros (nothing more to say)
The Bottle and chicken is optional as usual.
The Treads is a good and strong early item for naix because the support early hp,early IAS and early MS.
Armlet is a strong item on naix cause of feast and it support alot with that hp boost and dmg when used correctly vladmirs is picked after because with the fact it is a lifestealing,mana and hp regeneration item taht aint an orb, Making it possible to take a good orb effect after the main build.
Items afterwards:
Stygian desolator
This item is great giving a good dmg and stacking with vladmirs good choice for damage.
Satanic more lifesteal more hp what aint better in pubs? this one is also good and also stacks with vladmir
*Optional instead/before Armlet*
Sange and Yasha
You are in a pub game and you want an soild easy build? this one does the trick (not more than that lol).
Easy farmed and etc BUT if you gonna get it get it before/instead of Armlet. You will not be able to totally own the game you wont help your team alot and you doesent turn the game either when you get it. This item just make you able to manage through the game you wont be bad in it either good. Strongly and only recommended as a "Last chance" item.
Items NOT to get
This item is really good but i dont like it on naix because i think Cuirass is better on him more support etc. This item is just wrong when you already have Cuirass.
Do i have to say something?
This item is really good but i dont like it on naix because i think Cuirass is better on him more support etc. This item is just wrong when you already have Cuirass.
Do i have to say something?
7.The walkthrough
Early game 1-7:
Buy your start stuff and head for bottom or top lane i prefer top lane because you get the "good" creeps close. just last hit and deny and if you go low hp hit full hp creeps(if you facing melee you can easly just stand their and last hit etc). avoid stunn spells with rage if needed (the easiest way to see when stunns come is to think what you would do in their situation).At 6 you can be more aggresive and push your lane. this leading to more creep kills and more gold. If they are ganking you use your abilitys to either turn or escape.
this here shows what can happen when they try to gank you:
First i dont see what the hell what void are doing so i slow him and attack him so get red life and blink away. suddenly from behind venge attack (sadly i used my rage for dmg on void) and i turn and attack her she think she can take me with her stunn but my lifesteal is to great and i almost kill her
Mid game 8-15
if you are building The Lifekeeper after 11 you should take all creeps by ease, DONT go roshan your own your Feast doesnt work on him! But if you go in team he will be dead fast! in team battles you go for the one with much hp.I usually forest creep a lot in mid game and show up in ganks if I am close.
If you are building The Killer you should only do 2 things push and gank. you should have BoT now so you keep control on the lanes.
This is a typical gang with naix:

Mid game 8-15
if you are building The Lifekeeper after 11 you should take all creeps by ease, DONT go roshan your own your Feast doesnt work on him! But if you go in team he will be dead fast! in team battles you go for the one with much hp.I usually forest creep a lot in mid game and show up in ganks if I am close.
If you are building The Killer you should only do 2 things push and gank. you should have BoT now so you keep control on the lanes.
This is a typical gang with naix:
i start of slowing centaur and hit him a few times then go rage,Akasha does a good ulti and slows centaur then we finnish him. Mean while Venge is backing Akasha blink ahead so i can go follow and use my slow again after that she desperately stunns akasha but i am in rage again so i just finish her.
lategame 16-25
If you are build The Lifekeeper you should have Cuirass now or get it soon. now you are always the first to go into team fights! your high armor and rage making it nearly impossible to kill you. if you see they are going for and mass disable use rage and get done with it. get next item depending on what your team needs or what yourself wanna do. you can if needed finish of your build with BoT for pushing.
If you build is The Killer you should be really feared push lanes and go for other pushers when you see them remember that when you got Skadi you will kill them by ease if they are alone. And if they aint, bad luck for you then you need help to kill them.
8.Things you wanna know
Best friends
these two together is insane the IAS from troll and naix syncs. while letting naix goes first in with rage and Cuirass then troll after with mjoelnir and rampage... Naix+Troll=Massive damage and lifesteal.
why does just these two sync so well then? okey i say it like this naix slows, Abbadon goes in with shield and keep slowing with Frostmourne Naix coming with rage and getting the bonuses from Frostmourne what are you gonna do?? waste your ultimates or what?
What?! ogre as one of the best Friends? you must be joking. No he is a really good friend to naix becuase he Ogre can stun,slow and boost Naix ms and IAS.
Of course is all the disablers and slowers good friends to Naix also.
Worst enemys
Net going through rage even without net shes still your most hated enemy she will absolutly get Diffusal blade and thats enough she will pwn your ass with her clones when you cant do anything against it. Avoid her to all cost.
Omniknight is almost anyones enemy but he will annoying your day to death his slow. It works so well against you that he will rip your ass off. even so he aint taking it he still have guardian angel and his anti magic shield that stops your slow. Makes him to good tbh.
Net goes through naix rage and he will be pwned. Perma neted and wont get enough hp with lifesteal to be able to kill those diggers even though he success in damage down one/all of them he will just go mekansm or flee and you can just say goodbye.
Last word
Naix great funny and changeable hero that you can play in many ways thats why i like him atleast
lategame 16-25
If you are build The Lifekeeper you should have Cuirass now or get it soon. now you are always the first to go into team fights! your high armor and rage making it nearly impossible to kill you. if you see they are going for and mass disable use rage and get done with it. get next item depending on what your team needs or what yourself wanna do. you can if needed finish of your build with BoT for pushing.
If you build is The Killer you should be really feared push lanes and go for other pushers when you see them remember that when you got Skadi you will kill them by ease if they are alone. And if they aint, bad luck for you then you need help to kill them.
8.Things you wanna know
good to know
The first thing is that rage block all SPELL DAMAGE. this doesent mean it blocks all stunns etc. example is: Magnataurs ultimate, it wont do any damage on you but it will stunn your ass and when it does all focus is on you baby.
The first thing is that rage block all SPELL DAMAGE. this doesent mean it blocks all stunns etc. example is: Magnataurs ultimate, it wont do any damage on you but it will stunn your ass and when it does all focus is on you baby.
Best friends
these two together is insane the IAS from troll and naix syncs. while letting naix goes first in with rage and Cuirass then troll after with mjoelnir and rampage... Naix+Troll=Massive damage and lifesteal.
why does just these two sync so well then? okey i say it like this naix slows, Abbadon goes in with shield and keep slowing with Frostmourne Naix coming with rage and getting the bonuses from Frostmourne what are you gonna do?? waste your ultimates or what?
What?! ogre as one of the best Friends? you must be joking. No he is a really good friend to naix becuase he Ogre can stun,slow and boost Naix ms and IAS.
Of course is all the disablers and slowers good friends to Naix also.
Worst enemys
Net going through rage even without net shes still your most hated enemy she will absolutly get Diffusal blade and thats enough she will pwn your ass with her clones when you cant do anything against it. Avoid her to all cost.
Omniknight is almost anyones enemy but he will annoying your day to death his slow. It works so well against you that he will rip your ass off. even so he aint taking it he still have guardian angel and his anti magic shield that stops your slow. Makes him to good tbh.
Net goes through naix rage and he will be pwned. Perma neted and wont get enough hp with lifesteal to be able to kill those diggers even though he success in damage down one/all of them he will just go mekansm or flee and you can just say goodbye.
Last word
Naix great funny and changeable hero that you can play in many ways thats why i like him atleast
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