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"Fight Club" is now live - players are able to participate in this new game function. By that I mean you don't really have a choice, now when you fight, you are automatically entered into this fight club.
Now, when you fight, you will see this mastery bar (much like in robbing):

Each time you win a fight, you gain some mastery. I believe you have to win about 150 fights to advance to level 2, and it moves up from there. It does not seem to matter whether or not the enemy is alive or iced; both seem to give fight mastery points.
Sometimes when you win a fight, you will get a Victory Coin. Victory coins can be turned in to buy items at the Marketplace under the "Fight Club" tab. Here is the loot list:

Okay, so that is a lot of items! Here is the general gist of it:
- Earn Victory Tokens in Fighting and Tournaments.
- Unlock levels of Fight Mastery to access better rewards
- Buy things with your Victory Tokens in the Marketplace.
Based on the achievements, it will take about:
- 16,000 fighting wins to reach level 12
- 34,000 fighting wins to reach level 15
- 61,000 fighting wins to reach level 18
- 100,000 fighting wins to reach level 21
Based off the sheer number of Victory Token requirements, it will take literally forever to get the 1,000 Tokens needed to buy something like the Nile Crocodile (57 attack, 37 defense animal). In short, we won't be getting much loot from the new Fight Club feature, unless you really want to use tons and tons of stamina.
Personally, I get bored of clicking "fight" and "attack again"; I don't think I'll be spending the few thousand stamina per day to fight people individually just for a single item.
There is one thing that interests me though! At level 20, it looks like players can purchase energy packs for 100 Victory Coins. Now that sounds like a good change to me!
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While we were busy cracking heads and counting cards in Mafia Wars Vegas, the game has rolled out a handful of Sin City-themed limited edition gifts that you can send to the rest of your mafia for free.

The seven items include the following: Hardaway, Bix Six (weapons), Yo Eleven and Fat Cat (vehicles), Fear and Loathing (animal) and a martini-swilling Club Owner (bodyguard).
The Rack of Chips are, fortunately, also still available to send to your fellow mafiosos, and I'll argue that's one of the better gifts to send right now, since they can be turned into actual currency, along with casino building materials for those trying to turn their two-bit casinos into full-fledged gambling palaces.
What do you think of Mafia Wars Vegas so far? Is it better than the other cities? Drop a line in the comments below.
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One of the consumable items you're going to need to complete jobs in Mafia Wars Las Vegas is a Car Key Copy. Much like the Wire Tap Device or Untraceable Cell Phone in New York, you have to earn the Car Key Copy by doing a job -- specifically, the Blackmail A Car Dealer job in North Las Vegas (this is a job if you take the Energy path). It takes 9 energy to do the job, and you'll get a Car Key Copy (alternating with construction materials) every few times that you do the job.

The Car Key Copies are then used as a consumable item for the Secure Some Wheels job in North Las Vegas (again, only for the Energy path). I didn't have enough keys to complete the Wheels job, so had to go back and do the Blackmail A Car Dealer job again several times, even though it was already 100% mastered.
What do you think of Mafia Wars Vegas? Is it the best yet?
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Mafia Wars Las Vegas is here! The new expansion for Mafia Wars was only open to VIPs last week, but now everyone's invited to enter Sin City. Jobs, fighting, properties and currency have been changed up slightly this go-round -- see the details below. Energy Lover or Fighter?: You Decide Jobs follow two different paths: Energy Path or a Fighting Path. Choose either path and complete all of the jobs -- which will lead to a boss battle that will unlock the next District. There are six districts in all -- and, from what I've heard from fellow players, they take a long time to finish. Test Your Mettle in Fight Club Tournaments Fighting and robbing have stayed the same, but Fight Club Tournaments have finally been unlocked. Choose a class (based largely on how many Mafia members you have) and then jump into a tournament. There's a betting portion as well, where you can bet chips on who the winner will be (either yourself or someone else). Build Your Own Casino Properties have changed in Las Vegas as well. Instead of buying up lots of buildings, your mission is to build the mother of all casinos. You'll have to complete certain jobs to start building out five (5) sections of your mega-casino and then upgrade the parts until you get a 5-star casino. You'll also have to build your own vault to keep your poker chips safe. Bank Big with Poker Chips Speaking of poker chips, that's the currency for Las Vegas (kinda like real-life Vegas). Like all of the other Mafia Wars expansions, you'll be starting over from scratch. money-wise. and will start amassing wealth in form of Poker Chips. The good thing is that you don't have to start out from nothing --- all of t those poker chip racks you collected from friends over the past few weeks can be converted into Poker Chips. So, the more diligent you were about stocking up on racks, the more cash you'll have to take on Viva Las Vegas.
Play Mafia Wars Las Vegas Now >
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FishVille has just rolled out their brand new Fish Mastery feature, which has been long awaited due to some players receiving it early because of the way Zynga does their feature testing. Fish Mastery is a neat way to unlock new fish and to give yourself a brand new challenge while playing FishVille. Here at we have a comprehensive Fish Mastery guide so you can know everything you need to know about this new exciting feature.
To access Fish Mastery, there is a little tab on the right side of your FishVille screen. If you click this, you'll see a question mark button in the upper left corner of the screen that pops up. This is the help screen, and it offers a good explanation on how Fish Mastery works.

The basic idea is that you have to buy and raise fish, then sell them once they're grown in order to collect Mastery Points. Once you have enough Mastery Points, you will unlock the next fish in that fish family. Selling a fish at age 1 is the best recommended age to get the most Mastery Points. Each level has a specific amount of points required to unlock the next fish. You will earn 1 point for buying a fish in the tier, and 2 points for selling it as an adult fish.

Different families of fish will become unlocked as you gain higher in level, but only the first fish in each family is automatically unlocked. The rest need to be unlocked by gaining the specified Mastery Points in the progress bar above the family. Each fish is a mystery until you unlock it, so it will be a surprise to find out which fish you have unlocked. As of release, there are currently 6 different fish families to master.
For example, you buy and sell the Pink Skunk Clown fish over and over again until you have gained the required 290 points to unlock the next fish, the Fire Clownfish. Next, you need to gain enough points to unlock the Clarkii Clownfish, and then the Black Percula. This is the only way to get these unlockable fish.
Are you enjoying the new Fish Mastery feature? What is the best looking fish you have unlocked so far?
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How to Start a Fight?
1. Go to Arena or Battle to enter PvP
2. Choose Server 1 or Server 2 to enter the PvP lobby
3. Click Quick Match to start a battle with a random online user!
Quick Match
Press "Quick Match", and the system will automatically select an opponent whose level is similar to the player.
If the matching is successful, the players will be sent to the battlefield and they can start fighting.
When the player is waiting for matching, he can cancel the matching at anytime.
Waiting time varies for players of different levels, depending on how many online users are at similar level with them.
PvP battle is similar to all other battles. Nonetheless, players have to take note of the followings:
- Players have 20 seconds to decide what kind of attack he should use each turn. If the player does not take any action after 20 seconds, his turn will be automatically passed.
- Players can only use up to 5 scrolls in a battle.
- The player whose HP became 0 is the loser, and the other player is the winner. They may choose to rematch or they will be sent back to the PvP lobby.
- If one of the players refreshes the page or gets disconnected, the battle will automatically stop. The other player will be sent back to lobby.
Rematch After a battle is finished, the system will let the players choose whether they want to battle again. If both players click "Yes", the battle will start again. If any of the players click "No", both players will be sent back to the lobby. Players can rematch for up to 3 times (i.e. 4 matches at maximum).
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Just as the summer heat was starting to get the best of us and our frontier towns, FrontierVille has released a line of refreshing water decorations. Unfortunately, the most desirable items cost Horseshoes leaving us non-spenders with little to work with. Nonetheless, the water decorations are pretty cool, so continue reading to see a complete listing of the update.
Watering Can - 500 Coins, 5 XP Swimmin' Hole - 2000 Coins, 20 XP Ducky Hot Tub - 18 Horseshoes, 108 XP Geyser - 15 Horseshoes, 90 XP Frontier Fountain - 20 Horseshoes, 120 XP Bird Bath - 750 Coins, 7 XP White Bird Bath - 750 Coins, 7 XP Waterfall - 55 Horseshoes, 330 XP White Frog Pond - 25 Horseshoes, 150 XP Iron Fountain - 200 Coins, 2 XP Hot Tub - 18 Horseshoes, 108 XP Frog Pond - 25 Horseshoes, 150 XP Many of the water decorations are only available for a limited time so head over to FrontierVille soon to check them out. My personal favorite is the waterfall, the rainbow in the back is an excellent touch. Plus, all the tall grass and dried out animal carcasses make my frontier town feel extremely dry and arid. Any one of these water decorations would do wonders to remedy the situation, but the waterfall does it the most beautifully.
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If you have done any fighting recently, I am sure you may have noticed a new feature - "Power Attack".

As stated in the picture above, Power Attack literally attacks again 5 times. It expends 5 stamina, and gives you the rewards as if you had attacked 5 times individually:

There is no special function to Power Attack, it just seems like a shortcut to prevent spam clicking and make spending 100s of Stamina points more appealing then spamming attack over and over again.
The downside is that you can not Power Attack iced opponents. Opponents must be alive in order to use Power Attack. If your enemy dies during your Power Attack, all 5 attacks do not go off.
As a result, I'm finding that most of the time my Fight List is dead, so I do not end up Power Attacking anyway! Power Attack is an available option on someone's profile page, but clicking it just ends up issuing a single attack if the opponent is iced.
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In this post, I will be discussing jobs, loot, progression, and strategies for working through District 2 of Mafia Wars Las Vegas: Paradise City.
Will start out the discussion with job tiers!

In District 2: Paradise City, there are once again two job tiers: energy and fighting. You can use each path to independently access the property job and the boss, but once again you must complete both paths to get your mastery to the next level.
Fighting Jobs
Fighting jobs have changed a bit since the implementation of beta. Players can now choose between 3 people to fight (more chance of their being a weaker player) rather than only having 1 enemy to fight.

The strength of your opponent does not seem to matter as far as % job mastery goes - I always get the same % of mastery regardless of whether or not I win versus the strongest player on the list or the weakest player of the list. As a result, always attack the player with the smallest mafia when doing fighting jobs. In the picture above, I would be attacking "DON AIKEN".
In addition to now having 3 enemies for you to choose from, you now get some job mastery from losing these missions. You get half of what you would have gotten if you had won.
All in all, this change has made progressing through much easier. Despite that, these new missions require significant amounts of stamina. For example, the second fighting job on the 4th level of mastery for Paradise City requires 64 stamina per attempt and offers 4% for a job win and 2% for a loss. Players will need to spend 1,600 stamina to complete master the 4th level of mastery, and that is assuming they win every time. You will need about 5,000 to finish off Episode 2 alone!
Job Loot:
Help a Bookie Out Of A Jam - Drops "Hot Tip". This is a consumable used for the "Clean Up At A Rigged Table" job.
Recruit A Table Game Dealer - This job is supposed to drop a "Casino Dealer" but at the time of this posting it seems to be broken.
The Boss of District 2: Paradise City is Jimmy "Big Time" Mancuso. For defeating him, players will earn Mancuso's Shades:

Here are the stats:
Bronze Mastery: 62 attack, 80 defense
Silver Mastery: 64 attack, 90 defense
Gold Mastery: 68 attack, 105 defense
Ruby Mastery: 76 attack, 125 defense
Beating this guy the 4th time around was pretty tough for my energy character. He has a ton of HP and I imagine he is even quite tough on Level 4 for fighting-based accounts. Here is how I beat him, and you can apply a similar strategy to other accounts:
- Made sure I had 10 Shivs, Grenades, and Stun Guns
- Engaged the boss, used all my consumables, got defeated (don't run away, you have to lose if you can't kill him outright)
- Immediately went to New York where I spent tons of energy on Associate level jobs to quickly
farm up 10 more Stun Guns really quickly by spam-clicking "Do Job Again" over and over again.
- As soon as I got 10 Stun Guns, I healed and re-engaged the boss. If you are quick about this, he still still be injured from your last encounter.
- Used all my Stun Guns again and barely finished him off by the last use.
You can do this on all of the later bosses it would seem and do it repetitively. It might take 2-3 attempts, slowly whittling their HP total down each attempt.
It is truly a real pain though and I imagine they will eventually nerf some of these bosses HP totals (we are still in beta after all). There is no way even a good fighting account is going to take out a boss with 10,000+ HP and minions!
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Even though I mostly play an energy account, I decided to investigate the new Mafia Wars Fight Club Tournaments.

The general gist of these tournaments are that you enter against other random opponents and fight in a bracket-style fight (single elimination) in order to see who the winner is. The winner then ends up with a collection piece, some $V, experience points, and Victory tokens (can be used to purchase items in the Marketplace under the "Fight Club" tab).
You can also bet $V on players (either yourself or others), which pay out odds based on their chance of winning.
However, it is a bit more complicated than that. On the next screen, you will see something like this:

So, apparently there are a ton of "weight classes", which are ranked below from easiest to hardest. At every "weight class" aside from heavyweight, there is a cap on your combined attack and defense (stat points) score and the number of members in your mafia.
Flyweight - capped at 10 attack and defense combined along with 5 maia members.
Heavyweight - No Cap
However, in order to go to the higher brackets, you have to win in the previous rounds first! As far as I can tell, it is completely luck who wins in the early matches, given that everyone has at least 5 mafia and 10 attack/defense! That is the cap after all, so you can't go past that.
At any rate, within each weight class, there are three rankings: regional, national, and worlds. Each one seems to be more competitive (or at least you have a higher chance to lose). I'm not sure exactly how this works given the low cap (everyone should be at the cap in at least the first few matches).
I entered the regional championship and won. Here is what I got:

40 XP
10 "Fans" (determines your "Fame" and Rank - not sure what this does yet)
+5 Victory Tokens
+8,000 Tokens
I also bet the max on myself and won $V 300,000 back, which was pretty nice.
As far as Victory Tokens go, here is what the Fight Club screen reveals in the marketplace:

These items have some pretty good stats, but this is clearly very, very old. Who knows what the Marketplace will look like once they revamp this section (still has the old Top Mafia that appeared for a day or two!).
After winning at the regional level, the next match was nationals (still within the Flyweight bracket):

A little more expensive to enter. I lost in the first round. It seems to be completely random as far as your chance of winning goes.
In between each loss, you must wait for 4 hours before you can enter again (or spend 8 Reward points!).