Challenge Mission South Africa Chapter 1

created by -cyberlinegames- 20100706

South Africa Chapter 1 is now live. In an unusual twist, the "double mastery weekend" is actually double mastery for South Africa only.


There are 4 jobs for Chapter 1, just like with London. The Heat Meter now can handle 6 jobs before turning to Yellow and 5 jobs before turning to red. Here are the jobs and their percentages:

Arrive In Johannesburg: 1/2/3 Counterfeit Ticket Cost, 10% mastery per attempt (20% for double mastery weekend)

Set up the Mining Union Head: 2/3/4 Counterfeit Tickets, 9% mastery per attempt (18% with double mastery weekend)

Blackmail Him With The Evidence: 3/4/5 Counterfeit Tickets, 8% mastery per attempt (16% with double mastery weekend)

Leverage Your Influence: 4/5/6 Counterfeit Tickets, 7% mastery per attempt (14% with double mastery weekend).


I am sure a lot of you will find this was really easy. I was able to do it all within a couple of minutes with ease. It takes about 100 Counterfeit Tickets with the Double Mastery weekend.

The reward for finishing Chapter 1 of Challenge Mission South Africa is the Goalie (armor, 45 attack, 58 defense):

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