Now, before you undertake this mission, we need to get prepared. I'm assuming that most people reading this guide have played Mafia Wars before. As you probably know by now, there is no way to restart in Mafia Wars. While you can pick up tips from this guide, it'll be much faster if you simply start over (unless you are already level 400+). How? Just make a new facebook account.
Start Over
I know what you are thinking - a new facebook account? That's so much effort!! Not really. Honestly, it's easier to make a new one than it is to continue playing Mafia Wars. Why? Well if you want to be at the top of your game, you'll need 501 people in your Mafia. The problem is the average person does not have 500 real life friends that play Mafia Wars (if you do, please go outside once in awhile). So, the only option is to befriend complete strangers to add to your Mafia. After friending these people to add to your mafia, you have one of two options: remove each facebook friend individually after they join your mafia, which is a complete hassle, or, allow remain facebook friends with complete strangers giving them access to all your personal info, which is just creepy. Another problem with option #1 is you have to remain friends with people to access the "help out on jobs" option.. that is if you have a mafia full of 500 people that you are friends with, your status will constantly be filled with requests to help out on jobs. This gives you some free xp and is used for achievements. If you aren't friends with anyone in your mafia, this will never happen! Also, Mafia Wars spam ruins your status update page, you can't see what your REAL friends are up to on facebook if alls you see are job and item requests.
Getting your Top Mafia
Now that you've got a new facebook account, it's time to set it up. The first thing you need to do is latch on to a few high levels to add to your top mafia:
A good mastermind will add 11% more exp per job, a good Wheelman will make each
job cost 11% less energy
Finding a good mastermind and wheelman are important. The process is many times faster if you have someone who can knock off 11% energy cost per job. A high level buttonman is nice too as it will help you win fights more easily, it is certainly not mandatory. If you don't know of any high level players, just look around on the discussion boards on the Mafia War's fanpage on facebook. 10 mafia members should be enough at the start. High level players will happily join your mafia, because they will get bonuses for being in your top mafia, which leads us to the next part of the setup.
Getting into the Top Mafia
Here is the harder part- you need to be in someone's "Top Mafia Wheelman". This is where the advantage to being the fearless type comes into play- you get a chance to do jobs for zero energy. If you started a new account, simply log onto your normal facebook account and promote your second account to Wheelman. It will also make it much easier if you can have yourself as a "Top Mafia Mastermind" as well. Just ask a friend to stick you up there for a day or two. If you follow through with the guide, it won't be very long till you actually earn your keep in someone's Top Mafia. As of now, Fearless character types are rare, so people are always looking for a good wheelman. Even though I only made my new account a few days ago, people are already friend requesting me asking if they can add me for a wheelman! Here is one of my favorite things to see:

Getting your Energy Up
For now, all stat points should go into energy. Now I know what you are thinking- if I put all my points into energy then I won't be able to attack and beat the best players! Well, the point dumping in energy is only temporary. Once you hit level 200-210 and master all the jobs up to boss, you can put all your points after that in attack and defense. Once you hit 200 and just energy dump in a job like "Settle a Beef... Permanently", you'll be able to level literally 30 or 40 times in a row. You can then put all those stat points in attack and defense. By the time you hit level 400, which will be a week to a month later (depending if you choose the most energy efficient job or the jobs that give the best items), you'll be a balanced character, only months ahead of the competition! Additionally, having all that energy will allow you to easily gather the best weapons and vehicles like AR-15s and Humvees, which will give you a big edge over your energy-starved opponents!
Additionally, if you started a new account, it is a big advantage if you can send yourself some collections. This is not mandatory, but makes the process easier and faster. When you first started out, you probably considered the early levels the fastest. It is the exact opposite with this strategy, the levels 10-30 are the slowest, so any extra bit of energy helps.
Godfather Points
Every 2 levels or so, you get 1 Godfather reward point. Most people make the mistake of putting those points into energy refills or saving up for the reward items. An energy refill is a huge waste- with this strategy you should be able to level start to finish off of one energy bar. The items are also a waste of points- the loot items like AR-15 are nearly as good as any crate item, and getting enough reward points to outfit your entire mafia in special weapons is an exercise in futility. All of your reward points should be spent on the +4 stat reward, which you will use to increase your energy. Consider this- spending 56 points on 16 stat points and putting them all in attack and using AR-15s as your main weapons will produce much better results than spending 55 points on 3 crates and using the special weapons! Everytime I see someone with special loot items, I imagine my feelings are akin to how Darius Rucker feels everytime he sings "Let Her Cry".
If you weren't able to send yourself any collections because this is your first account, it wouldn't hurt to do a few surveys in order to get enough points to buy 8 or 12 energy. This is not mandatory but certainly wouldn't hurt.
Cliff Notes
1. Make a new account (Fearless)
2. Find a good mastermind and wheelman. Your wheelman should knock off 11% energy off of jobs (this is important later!)
3. Make sure your new character is someone's top mafia wheelman and mastermind. Beg a friend to put you up for a few days, or put promote yourself in a second account.
4. Put all stat points into energy.
5. Spend all reward points on +4 stat points and put them into energy.
6. Try to get ahold of the +energy and +stamina collections.
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