Mafia Wars Bangkok Businesses

created by -cyberlinegames- 20100717

There are 6 new businesses associated with Bangkok (at least so far). Out of these, four of them are accessible right away, and the other 2 are unlocked by gathering Triad and Yakuza faction. I covered the Yakuza and Triad businesses in a previous post. See that post for information on those two businesses.

Back on track, the other four businesses are purchasable right away (if you have the cash), and, much like Moscow, these businesses all produce Baht (Bangkok currency) every 3 hours. With that said, here is the business list, the cost for upgraded, and the amount of time it will take to get your money back:

Fighting Fish Arena:

Cost to take over:

Fish Types:

Betta (starter): B$4 each
Trey Krem: B$5 each, costs B$3,200 to upgrade
Plakat Cheen: B$6 each, costs B$4,500 to upgrade
Plakat Khmer: B$7 each, costs B$6,300 to upgrade
Plakat Morh: B$8 each, costs B$8,800 to upgrade (final)

Cost to upgrade capacity and output:

Note: Capacity starts at 800 and increases 160 per upgrade until 2240 is reached; output starts at 100/3 hours and increases 20 per upgrade until 280 is reached. There are 9 total upgrades for capacity and output and the cost for capacity and output are always the same. This holds true for all businesses.

Upgrade 1: B$1,600 (each)
Upgrade 2: B$2,100
Upgrade 3: B$2,700
Upgrade 4: B$3,500
Upgrade 5: B$4,600
Upgrade 6: B$5,900
Upgrade 7: B$7,700
Upgrade 8: B$10,000
Upgrade 9: B$13,100

Final Stats:

Output: B$17,920 each day (24 hours).
Total Cost: B$137,700
Time to recover investment: 7.68 days (this indicates the amount of time it will take for your initial investment to be repaid so you can start making a profit)

Strategy: Buy this right away, this is a good investment and will have paid itself back very shortly.

Cockfighting Pen:

Cost to take over: B$50,000

Game Cock Types:

Spangled Cock (starter): B$6 each
Gray Pullet: B$7 each, B$9,600 to upgrade
Red Cockerel: B$9 each, B$13,400 to upgrade
Blue Thai Stag: B$10 each, B$18,800 to upgrade
Golden Bullstag: B$12 each, B$26,300 to upgrade (final)

Cost to upgrade output and capacity:

Upgrade 1: B$4,800 (each)
Upgrade 2: B$6,200
Upgrade 3: B$8,100
Upgrade 4: B$10,500
Upgrade 5: B$13,700
Upgrade 6: B$17,800
Upgrade 7: B$23,200
Upgrade 8: B$30,211
Upgrade 9: B$39,200

Final Stats:

Output: B$26,880 each day (24 hours).
Total Cost: B$409,100
Time to recover investment: 15.22 days

Strategy: Still pretty good.. just over 2 weeks to pay the initial investment back. Buy this after upgrading the Fish Fighting Arena.

Tourist Guide Scam:

Cost to take over: B$150,000

Scam Types:

College Student (starter): B$10/each
Honeymooner: B$12/each, B$25,600 to upgrade
Family: B$15/each, B$35,800 to upgrade
Businessman: B$17/each, B$50,200 to upgrade
Celebrity: B$20/each, B$70,200 to upgrade (final)

Cost to upgrade output and capacity:

Upgrade 1: B$12,800 (each)
Upgrade 2: B$16,600
Upgrade 3: B$21,600
Upgrade 4: B$28,100
Upgrade 5: B$36,600
Upgrade 6: B$47,500
Upgrade 7: B$61,800
Upgrade 8: B$80,300
Upgrade 9: B$104,000

Final Stats:

Output: B$44,800 each day (24 hours).
Total Cost: B$1,094,200
Time to recover investment: 24.4 days

Strategy: Getting expensive here; I figure Bangkok will go live tomorrow (during the maintenance), and if not, within the next few days after. At that point, within the next 2-3 weeks, episodes 3 and 4 will be released. Episodes 3 and 4 are likely to offer more $B per energy point (just like with Moscow), so if you spend all your money now and have not recouped it by the time Episodes 3 and 4 are released, you will be out $B and progress.

If you have already finished episodes 1 and 2 and upgraded the first two businesses, I would recommend buying it. If not, I'd focus on using my money to finish the first two episodes (and upgrading the first two businesses).

Gambling Den:

Cost to take over: B$350,000

Game Cock Types:

Gao Gae bet (starter): B$20 each
Poker bet: B$25 each, B$96,000 to upgrade
Jubmoo bet: B30 each, B$134,400 to upgrade
Bridge bet: B$35 each, B$188,200 to upgrade
Pok Deng bet: B$40 each, B$263,400 to upgrade (final)

Cost to upgrade output and capacity:

Upgrade 1: B$48,000 (each)
Upgrade 2: B$62,400
Upgrade 3: B$81,100
Upgrade 4: B$105,500
Upgrade 5: B$137,100
Upgrade 6: B$178,200
Upgrade 7: B$231,700
Upgrade 8: B$301,200
Upgrade 9: B$391,400

Thanks to Chris for the data here!

Final Stats:

Output: B$89,600 each day (24 hours).
Total Cost: B$4,105,200
Time to recover investment: 45.8 days

This is by far the most expensive business and will have the lowest return on investment. I have not completely upgraded it so I do not have the numbers for it yet. The only circumstance under which you should buy this business is if you have already finished Episodes 1 and 2 and if you have already upgraded the earlier businesses.

In most situations, you want to upgrade these businesses (at least the first 3) as soon as you can. They pay themselves back in a relatively short time. While I know that capacity adds on a lot of costs to the business, I like to upgrade capacity fully because there are indeed times when things come up in real life and I can't play for a 24 hour period.

At any rate, I hope there are more businesses added with later episodes. Just think about this - if you have all four $B producing businesses fully upgraded, you will earn $B179,200 a day. The Yakuza Assassin (from the faction store) costs $B480,000 a piece; the current businesses fully upgraded only earn enough $B to purchase a one of these armors every 2 and a half days!

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